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Set: Pigment Assortment Red


Set: Pigment Assortment Red

27 pigments in 30 ml glasses, in a wooden box, 42000 cinnabar max. 20 g


Product Information

RED. With no other color do we associate such different things: warmth and anger, determination and love. At the same time, in the biblical context, it stands for blood, fire and martyrdom - even today, cardinals wear the scarlet robe. Crimson is the classic lipstick color - even though today it is no longer extracted from the scale insects, but is produced synthetically. Crimson, English red, vermilion and poppy red are sonorous names of some of the pigments in this assortment.


Content: 27 pigments in 30 ml glasses, in a wooden box, 42000 cinnabar max. 20 g




Set: Pigment Assortment Red

Delivery in 2 months
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