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Set: Assortment of Kremer-Made Pigments


Set: Assortment of Kremer-Made Pigments

81 pigments in 3 ml jars, in 3 wooden boxes


Product Information

It all started with the production of Smalte in the 70s... Since then, many different pigments have been added: Bavarian green earth, cherry stone black, vermilion, red jasper and many more are produced in a complex process and partly by hand in the color mill. Many of our visitors are amazed when the old pan grinder starts moving noisily! Immerse yourself in the world of pigments from our own production of the color mill.


Content: 81 pigments in 3 ml jars, in 3 wooden boxes




Set: Assortment of Kremer-Made Pigments

Delivery in 2 months
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