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Cuni Medium / 蜂蠟調和劑

Medium / 調和劑 150 ml & 400ml


加入調和劑能創造出罩染效果, 增強彩度, 增加亮度也增高透明度, 同時加強顏料的立體層次感與附著力, 創造更多豐富的 Cuni Encaustic 顏色,


待作品完全乾燥後, 不妨使用吹風機讓熱風將蠟彩細小粒子帶到表面上, 再以刷子或是棉布處理, 帶出蠟的光澤度與色彩的深度, 讓作品更完美. 


Cuni Medium 的功能與使用方式:

1. Cuni 顏料混合 + Cuni Medium -> 讓作品在厚塗時也能擁有透明感, 降低Cuni 的高遮蓋力, 使底層的顏色間接顯現出來, 讓完成作品有更多層次的色彩!


2. 將Cuni Medium 當做打底使用, 可以讓作畫的表面更細緻, 更平整.


Mix medium with Cuní colours for creating glazes, extending colours, enhancing gloss and translucency and increasing flexibility and adhesion to the surface. Mix it with the desired pigment to create a new water soluble encaustic colour.


Diluted with water and applied to the support or the priming, the medium provides a waxy surface that allows a smooth paint application.

Cuni Medium / 蜂蠟調和劑

SKU: Medium
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