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【心靈深處的風景 │ 佩德羅·庫尼 個展 】

【心靈深處的風景 │ 佩德羅·庫尼 個展 】

Landscapes of Inner Reflection │ Pedro Cuni - Solo Exhibition

展期 Dates │ 2023.10.15 – 2023.10.29

#開幕式 Opening Ceremony │ 2023.10.15 (六) Saturday 2PM

#展期開放時間 週一至週五 下午2點至5點 Mon to Fri 2-5pm

週六週日 中午12點至下午5點 Sat- Sun 12-5pm

地點 Venue │ Artrue 正藝美學空間 (106台北市大安區新生南路二段82-3號) No. 82-3, Sec. 2, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

電話 Phone | +886 2 2358 3008

LINE | @artrueasia

Email |



In the act of translating our external everyday experiences onto canvas, we invariably delve into the sanctum of our soul. It is perhaps through the nuanced portrayal of the external world that we most authentically capture the essence of our spiritual journey within.

佩德羅·庫尼(Pedro Cuni)是一位視覺藝術家、畫家、壁畫家,以及對繪畫媒材技術、色彩理論和色粉知識的專家。佩德羅·庫尼曾在國際多個地方展出過他的藝術作品,包括華盛頓特區的史密森尼博物館和西班牙皇家美術學院。除了在繪畫領域的專業知識,他以對古代繪畫材料的研究而聞名,並曾在紐約庫珀學院(Cooper Union)進行關於古希臘羅馬繪畫的化學研究。佩德羅·庫尼目前與埃及開羅的埃及古代文物博物館合作,研究古埃及繪畫技術。

他是Encaustic Cuni水性蠟彩公司的創始人和經營者,該公司生產的美術媒材曾被古希臘羅馬時期的藝術家於兩千年前所使用。他也是紐約帕森斯設計學院的教授,同時參與世界各地知名學術機構和大專院校的運營和教學工作坊。他亦是紐約著名日本舞蹈團體Ninja Ballet的舞台和道具設計師。

Pedro Cuni is a visual artist, painter, muralist, and expert at paint media technology, color theory, and pigments. Cuni has exhibited his art internationally at places such as the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Spain. Not only an expert in the landscape of painting, Cuni is known for his work with ancient painting materials, having done chemical research at Cooper Union on Ancient Greek and Roman paintings. He currently collaborates with the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo researching ancient Egyptian painting techniques. Cuni is the founder and director of the paint company Encaustic Cuni, which produces paint that was once used by Greco-Roman artists two thousand years ago. Cuni is a professor at Parsons School of Design in New York City and is also involved in running and teaching workshops in major institutions and universities across the world. He’s stage and props designer for the NYC dance company Ninja Ballet.

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